Liaoning East Shine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

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Liaoning East Shine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Liaoning East Shine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.



Liaoning East Shine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.

Keywords :

hydrogen fluoride anhydrous

Description :

Liaoning East Shine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd is located in Fuxin, a western city of Liaoning Province, which has the good name of Fluorine Capital of China, with the provincial city Shenyang to its east, the coastal city of Jinzhou to its southwest and Chifeng City of Inner Mongolia to its north. It was set as the first pilot city for economic restructuring by the State Council in 2001.   East Shine is a Sino-foreign equity joint venture established by Yingpeng Group, OCI Co., Ltd. and OCIM CO., Ltd. from Korea in 2011. With aggregate investment of RMB120 million, registered capital of RMB50 million and floor area of 60000 square kilometers, East Shine makes a factory of annual production of 40000 tons, whose main product is anhydrous hydrofluoric acid.   Relying on 20 years'AHF production experience and advanced international technology of Yingpeng Group, East Shine makes its product on the top level in domestic market. Our product is sold to many large companies in China and at the same time to Japan, Korea, India and some other countries. The quality of our product gets the recognition from both domestic and international customers.

Company Name : Liaoning East Shine Chemical Technology Co., Ltd.


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