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Select International

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Select International

Select International



Select International

Keywords :

silver wares, Antiques , brass artwares, aluminim wares, silver plated products, EPNS wares, GIFTS and other Indian handicrafts

Description :

Select International is reputed in the international market for manufacturing and supplying handicrafts made of brass, copper, stone, bamboo, wood, glass, cane, cloth & Ladies garments. At Select International, we design and fabricate art wares having aesthetic sense mixed with beauty and useful effects. The need, requirement and satisfaction of our client are our top priority. We are dedicated in providing outstanding service. Compare our quality, fine craftsmanship and detailed carvings with any other products in the same category and you will see that our products are much better. We maintain its uncompromising commitment to quality by continuing to utilize the age-old tradition. We have earned the trust & loyalty of the esteemed customer We are doing business with ESTATE SILVER Co. LTD. , Sentimental Livings , LUNT SILVER SMITHS in USA. FANI in Itlay

Company Name : Select International


Products of Select International

beef carving tr

beef carving tr
Food carving Trolley

Food carving Trolley

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