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Disha Consultants

Disha Consultants



Disha Consultants

Keywords :

E-Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Data Collection & Entry

Description :

Sub: Business Proposal from Disha Consultants. Dear Madam/Sir, Disha Consultants is Pioneer in Business of E-Marketing, Mobile Marketing and Data Collection and Entry Work. The Company has accelerated steadily and transformed itself into greater dimension providing a range of services Services we offer: E-Marketing Mobile Marketing Data Collection & Entry E-Marketing: In this Scenario when your Target Customer spend most of the time over Internet Browsing due to Business, Profession, Service and Studies. E-Marketing is the best way to float your new Offers & Schemes among your Target Customer. This is the way you can reach out your customer easily and tell them about your Product & Services, it will also help your organization to reduce Budget for Advertisement and enhance Customer Base. What we do Under E-Marketing: • We float your Company Products and Services information among your Target Clients. • We float Special Offers and Schemes information among your Target Clients. • We register your organization with various portals world wide, where your target clients always spend most of his time. • We advertise your Company Product & Services on Internet. • We advertise your Company Product & Services through Blogs. • We have huge authentic E-Mail Data of various cluster of our society through E-Mail; we help your organization to speak your target Clients about their Product & Services. Mobile Marketing: It is another shortest way to reach your customer in the form of SMS & MMS. Here you can float Special Offers & Schemes information to Lacks of your target Clients with in a small Budget. Data Collection & Entry Work: We help your organization to collect the data of their need because we have expertise in Data Collection. We also help your organization to Properly Formulate & Entry Data. We offer Result Oriented Quality Services with in your Budget.

Company Name : Disha Consultants


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