Hello Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co.,Ltd

Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co.,Ltd

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Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co.,Ltd

Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co.,Ltd



Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co., Ltd

Keywords :

special ingredients,Apis and chemical intermediates

Description :

Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co., Ltd is a professionalmanufacturer, supplier and exporter of special ingredients, Apis and chemical intermediates. Supported by our highly qualified team of chemists and researchers, we have experience in a wide range of chemical reactions and fermentations from multi grams scale to hundred tons scale. "Meeting the demand of customers" is our motto. We are confident to become your preferred outsourcing partner. PRODUCT LIST ¹¦Äܽ¡¿µÊ³Æ·Ìí¼Ó¼ÁFUNCTIONAL FOODS & NUTRACEUTICALS 5-Hydroxytryptophane 56-69-9 99% Chrysin 480-40-0 99% Daidzein 486-66-8 98% Diindolylmethane(DIM) 1968-5-4 99% Evodiamine 518-17-2 99% Genistein 446-72-0 99% Idebenone 58186-27-9 99% Indole-3-carbinol 700-06-1 99% Luteolin 491-31-4 99% Melatonin 73-31-4 99% Octopamine Hcl 770-05-8 99.00% Pyridoxamine DiHcl 524-36-7 99.00% Querecetin 117-39-5 99% Resveratrol N/A 98%;99% Soy isoflavone N/A 20%;40%;80% Synephrine 94-7-5 99% Synephrine Hcl 5985-28-4 99% Ô­ÁÏÒ©APIS Amiloride HCL 2016-88-8 EP/USP/CP Atropine sulfate 5908-99-6 BP/EP/USP/CP Benserazide Hcl 14919-77-8 99% Ciprofibrate 52214-84-3 Factory standard Citicoline Sodium 33818-15-4 EP/USP/CP Clindamycin phosphate 24729-96-2 EP/USP/CP Flumethasone 2135-17-3 98% Irinotecan 97682-44-5 98%;99% Itopride HCl 122898-67-3 CP Metronidazole Benzoate 13182-89-3 BP2002 Miconazole Nitrate 22832-87-7 JP Ofloxacin 82419-36-1 EP/USP/CP Pefloxacin Mesylate 70458-95-6 BP Perindopril 82834-16-0 EP/USP/CP Phenyl salicylate 118-55-8 BP Piracetam 7491-74-9 EP/USP/CP Proxyphylline 603-00-9 BP Salicylanilide 87-17-2 EP/USP/CP Stachyose 10094-58-3 BP Tropine acid N/A Factory standard Tropinone 532-24-1 Factory standard Warfarin 81-81-2 Factory standard Warfarin sodium 129-06-6 EP 4.0 ÖмäÌåChemical intermediates 1-(2, 6-dichlorophenyl)-2-indolinone 16362-40-0 As request (1R, 2S)-(-)-2-Amino-1, 2-diphenylethanol 23190-16-1 As request (1S, 2R)-(-)-1, 2-Diphenylethylene 35132-20-8 As request (1S, 2R)-(+)-2-Amino-1, 2-diphenylethanol 23364-44-5 As request (1S, 2S)-(-)-1, 2-Diphenylethylene 29841-69-8 As request (S)-2-Methylpiperazin 74879-18-8 As request (R)-2-Methylpiperazin 75336-86-6 As request (S)-2-Methylpiperazine tartrate salt N/A As request (R)-2-Methylpiperazine tartrate salt 126458-15-9 As request 1, 2, 3-benzenetricarboxylic 36362-97-7 As request 1-Sulfomethyl-5-mercaptotetrazole disodium salt 66242-82-8 As request 1-Benyl-5-ethoxyhydantoin 65885-02-9 As request 1-methylindole 603-76-9 As request 2-(+)-Chlorophenylycine 141315-50-6 As request 2-Bromobenzene sulfonyl chloride 2905-25-1 As request 2-Chloro-1-(3, 4, -dihydrophenyl) ethanone 99-40-1 As request 2-Chloro-1-(4-Methoxyphenyl)ethanone 2196-99-8 As request 2-Aminoisobutyric acid 62-57-7 As request 2-Methyl-5-nitrophenol 636-93-1 As request 2-oxindole 59-48-3 As request 2-Phenyl imidazole 670-96-2 As request 3-Amino-3- phenylpropanoic acid 614-19-7 As request 3-Cyano-2, 6-dihydroxy-5-fluoropyridine 113237-18-6 As request 3-methylindole 83-34-1 As request 4-bromo-7-methylisatin N/A As request 4-Hydroxy-3-methylacetophenone 876-02-8 As request 4-Hydroxy-3-nitroacetophenone 6322-56-1 As request 4-Benzyloxy-3-nitroacetophenone 14347-05-7 As request 5-Nitro-1, 2, 3-nitroacetophenone 3807-81-6 As request 5-acetyloxindole 64483-69-8 As request 5-Bromo-4, 6-dichloropyrimidine 68797-61-5 As request 5-Bromo-2, 4-Dichloropyrimidine 36082-50-5 As request 5-Bromopyrimidine 4595-59-9 As request 5-chlorooxindole 17630-75-0 As request 5-fluorooxindole 56341-41-4 As request 5-methoxyindole 1006-94-6 As request Indole-3-carboxaldehyde 487-89-8 As request Indole-3-carboxylic acid 771-50-6 As request Indoline 496-15-1 As request Naphthalene sulfonyl chloride 1993-11-8 As request

Company Name : Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co.,Ltd


Products of Hangzhou Bm Chemical Co.,Ltd



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