Haute Heaven
Keywords : womens jewelry, handbags and accessories
Description : On online retailer specializing in women's authentic designer fashion handbags, accessories and jewelry. Please no replica as it is illegal to sell replica's here in the US. Items especially interested in selling are authentic Louis Vuitton and Chanel sunglasses and jewelry. I have been selling such items since 2005 starting out as an ebay seller and also other websites including my own webstore which I closed a year later since I did not have a large enough inventory selection to stock an entire store. I am looking for those hard to find wholesalers and manufactureres that can provide the latest hottest items currently available on the market. Items purchased must include all authentic orig packaging. If you think you might have what I'm looking for, please contact me to discuss further. But please only if you carry the ptoducts that I have specified. Best regtards,
Haute Heaven |